stock harley nightster rear fender & solo sear, nice but.....

first step is the tear down. take off the old fender, and get ready to find another spot for the ECM

Decide on the length you want for the rear fender struts and get choppin. you gotta be commited at this point, as really there is no goin back. Some cats get freaked about choppin up their nice new harley, but we don't give a shit

no pics for the next steps, but it goes like this: decide on your fender length, make sure everything lines up and chop it. Next, move the turnsignals up to where you want them, move your ecm and bolt it all back together. hopefully it looks as dope as this

J-man and i busted a move to make sure all was cool

pee break

gotta say, that shit looks good! nice work john

nic, how'd the breather bolts work out?
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