Tuesday, June 23, 2009

i need death from above!

Well, not really. I was just refferring to the brilliant album, "you're a woman, i'm a machine" by Death from Above 1979. Now this album was released a couple of years back and the single "romantic rights" blew up for the band. When i first heard the track i was amazed that a 2 piece (just drums and bass) could make such a racket, it was awesome.
Unfortunatley, the band called it quits some time ago so new material is probably not going to happen. That being said You're a woman... has been on repeat in the car for the past 2 weeks and i am still noticing new shit that i had not heard before. I truly think that it is one of the best albums in my collection, as each track can stand on its own. if you don't own it and enjoy some heavy noise, go buy it now, seriously. what are you waiting for, go.... now!

"i am not an animal!"

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