meeting spot at a local funeral home - is that bad karma?
The ride kicked off with about 10-15 guys in tow; and was predominatley sport bikes with a few harleys, a suzuki cruiser and a speed triple triumph thrown into the mix. Initially, it was mellow as we cruised around the backroads of langley bc, when the sport bike guys turned things up. My bike held its own, but was no match for the speed triple; that thing is unbelievebly fast.
speed triple single sided swingarm, awesome.
The crew planned to keep going to harrison, but a few of us had to head back and take care of domestic duties so Naj, a couple of buddies and I pealed off for a beer. Despite being horribly hung over from the night before I made it through a beer while laughing my ass of after hearing the latest edition of "fight stories with Naj." after scaring the other restaurant guests, we headed out for an entertaining ride home, full of wheelies, skids, and other awesomeness.
at the rest spot. the neighbours were scared.
Overall, a great day in the sun which left me hyped on how the bike performed. The family and I ended the day at one of my favorite places in the world, Spanish Banks. Thanks for the invite Naj, the hellraiser still kills it!
best way to end a great day.
were u able to get a pic of me driving if so can u email me it at thanks Naj
Naj, i tried to dude but everytime i set up for a pic, you'd give the hellraiser gas and off you went.
lets do it again, and i'll get some shots for you, cool?
cool r u guys going to the race way this friday Naj
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